Tuesday, September 12, 2006

One Down, Two To Go

The Mud Hens took Game One of the Governors' Cup Finals in rainy Rochester 6-3. Mike Hessman with 2 home runs and 4 RBIs. Two more wins for Back-to-Back Cups!

I've been to the stadium in Rochester, it's nice. I had something good to eat there but I don't remember what it was. Train tracks run behind the stadium and there was a good brew pub across the street. Rochester has a nice entertainment district along the river.

The Mets keep running in place against the Marlins. They lost last night and are losing in a rain delayed game now. It's only a matter a time before they clinch. This happened in 86. They need a win or two to clinch and waited a whole week to do it at home. I'd like them to get it over with now.

Magic Number - 4

I don't feel like talking about the Cowboys so let's move on.

The Islanders signed Rick DiPietro to a 15 year! contract today. It doesn't appear to be that bad financially, but that's a long contract. There better be multiple Cups during that 15 years.

I'll be going to Chicago this weekend - hope to go to my second game at Wrigley. The first wasn't too much fun. It was freezing and the Mets lost to the Cubs.

Best of luck to Drew Macintyre who was the heart and soul of the Toledo Storm last season. The Red Wings traded him to Vancouver today. We'll miss you Drew!


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